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Object of Ex- students from 2011:
Without any object, any organization can not be established. The main target of this organization must be positive effective of this village. This organization want that, its will be created as like as a HIL FUL FUJUL. At present, no other organization in Kalaroa upazila is as good as Ex- students from 2011, Because of some exceptional object. There are ….

 *** Any political task will not be occurred this organization. 

1.      We want to know consciousness rules of our human locality. Govt. law, child marriage, health tips …….etc.    
2.      We will help poor and brilliant students. Like as, buying new books, clothes etc.    
3.      Scholarship will be given brilliant students. Example monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly etc.                                                                                                                          

4.      If any person faces any problem, we will solve the problem. Like as, any diseases, financial problem……… etc.   
5.      Educational tips must be adopted. Every child must be learning.       
6.      Environment will be keep neat and clean. And make a good environment. That’s may be create healthy and fitness.   
7.      Sanitation Latin should be kept net and clean.  
8.      Any drag business will not approve.     
9.      Unemployment people will be eradicated from our society by giving their source.        
10. Capital should be donated in any religious fund.    
11. Any other positive things will be supported, if its make a good position in our village.

There are many rules of Ex- students from 2011. It’s given below…..Like as,

     *** Any political person will not take part an Ex- students from 2011

1.     Any members can not take any drag. Like as, Cigarette, Gaza……..etc.                      
2.     If any members or any person fall in dangerous, he/she will not go until his/her will get rid of dangerous.                                                                              
3.     Always speak the truth. And don’t tell a lie.                                                                          
4.     Make a good character. Without any bad effects.                                                           
5.     The rule of “honesty is the best policy” should be following us. And it is the main power of us.                                                                                                               
6.     Poor and brilliant students will be search and help them from our organization.         
7.     Any child will not illiterate and must be literate.                                                 
8. Many other rules of this organization will be given, if audience faces to any problem.